Friday, February 28, 2014

I am looking for a Work Share Member!

That sounds great, Mike, but what is a Work Share Member? Well, thank you for asking - imaginary person that is helping me get this post started - a work share is a CSA member that trades their labor for a weekly share of produce from my garden. This is a perfect opportunity for someone with some gardening experience to work on a one acre garden and see how produce is marketed to the community.

The member will work one day a month for a 4 hour period harvesting, planting, working or doing whatever else needs to get done in the garden. In return, the member will receive a weekly share of produce that can be picked up from my house each week.

I think that one of my roles as a market grower (a fancy term for those of us not ready to call ourselves farmers) is to introduce people to the process of growing food. I know farmers who started out as work shares. It is a great way to get to spend some time taking part in local agriculture. Also, I am awesome, and you will get to hang out with me for 4 hours every month, which is pretty great.

If you are interested or if you know someone who might be interested, please tell them to email me at and put work share in the title.

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