Tuesday, April 1, 2014

CSA Shares Available Starting May 25th!!!!

The greenhouse is coming along well, and the rest of the garden along with it. Spring Brassicas will be ready for transplanting next week, which is later than I anticipated, but this spring took a little extra time to get ramped up. 

Red Russian Kale quickly outgrowing its temporary quarters

Out in the field, I have planted peas, potatoes, carrots, turnips, radishes, lettuces and other greens for spring mixes. Onions and garlic are coming to life after their winter dormancy and more onions are in the greenhouse sizing up nicely right behind them. Beans, Squash, Cucumbers and melons will probably go in next week or the week after. 

In a few months these will be 4' tall with 1 lb + tomatoes on them!!!
Oh, and I have some tomato plants started too. Like, 1000, maybe, with lots of different varieties. Brandywines were the first out of their blocks, but Pink Oxhearts, Black Cherries, Yellow Taxis and Striped Romans and Amish Pastes weren't far behind. As the greenhouse heats up, I expect they will really start to boom. 

And they aren't alone. I have red, yellow, orange, purple, brown and white sweet peppers that are starting to pop up too.

I probably won't be the first to market with my tomatoes and peppers, but I will put up a challenge for the prettiest varieties grown, at least.

If any - and hopefully all - of this sounds good, let me know. I have space available in the CSA and shares are $300 for 20 weeks of beautiful, fresh, delicious and just downright amazing produce. My first share will be going out on May 22nd, so there is still plenty of time to let me know you want to get on board. 

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