What that means is, the first round of spring goodness went out today, Sunday May 25th! Here is what's in the share:
Week 1 - 5/25/14 |
Lettuce Mix - It got buried in the picture, but it is a nice mix of red and green leaf lettuces.
Purple Radishes - I like to let these particular radishes size up because they don't usually split and the larger amount of white flesh makes it possible for people who aren't crazy about radishes to enjoy them in salads by peeling the purple skin.
White Turnips - Hakurei Japanese Turnips have a mild turnip flavor and are great shredded in salads.
Broccoli - This particular Broccoli is described by the seed company as bunching broccoli, which means it's earlier, but it doesn't produce a large floret like traditional broccoli.
Red Russian Kale - This is my favorite kind of kale for everything but making chips. I even like to dice up the stems of the leaves and put them in stir fry.
Turnip Greens - A southern staple, these greens have a strong turnip flavor.
Green Onions - Nice mild onion flavor from the spring garden.
Wild Green Garlic - Local farmers call this onion grass, but it has a flavor similar to garlic. I only eat the white part, but I use the stems in making stock and soups.
Salad Burnet - This weeks herb is the cucumber-flavored Salad Burnet. As the name implies, it can be added to salad mix, eggs or to flavor vegetable dip.
If all of that sounds good, then pick up a share today. Email marvinsgp@gmail.com for info and payment options.
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