Wednesday, June 10, 2015

2015 Week 3 - Stir Fry me once, shame on you, stir fry me twice, shame on me?

That's what's up! I have been munching on this stuff all week and it is about time to share. The garden is moving right along as we start the transition into summer crops. I think every week I look out in the garden and see something new that is almost ready to pick I think/say "this is the best time of year." I should just say that all of the times of the year that I get to be out in the garden playing in the dirt are the best times of year. 

Anyway, down to business. This week, a couple of familiar spring crops make a return to the mix and they are joined by some different greens for you to try.

Salad Mix
Stir Fry Mix (bok choi, lacinato kale, snow peas and baby broccoli)
Green Onions
Zephyr Squash
Ramps - a wild member of the onion family that tastes a bit like onion and a bit like garlic. The whole plant is edible, but I usually just eat the bulb the same way that I eat garlic.

This week you get some more Happy Rich baby broccoli, bok choi, dinosaur kale, snow peas, green onions, ramps and turnips that can all be included in a pretty awesome stir fry. Here's a basic recipe for bok choy you can use to get started.

This is the first of many weeks that you will get Zephyr squash from me, and that is because they are the best squash. I try to pick them when they are little because that is when the taste/texture is best to me. Whatever you decide to make with this weeks share, please send me pics in the comments or on Facebook. Let's be real, on Facebook, since it is the only part of the internet anybody uses anymore that doesn't end in etflix. 

This week, Jane and Lynn, a couple of our work/share members helped to make all of this delicious happen for you. Jane also brought me chicken poop, which is a wonderful gift to give to a gardener. 

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