Friday, June 26, 2015

2015 Week 5 - A Spring/Summer Medley

Here is your share this week:

Salad Mix
Cherry Tomatoes (paid shares only this week, sorry, work/shares)
Fennel Bulbs and fronds
Garlic Scapes
Zephyr Squash
White Beets

Here are recipes for fennel pesto (you can use the scapes again in place of the garlic) and fennel gratin. I hope you enjoy the fennel. It is a different flavor (black licorice), but it is really mellow when you cook it. 

This will be the last week for salad mix for a few weeks, unfortunately. The existing beds are getting a little too strong tasting and the new plantings were over-run by weeds. As quickly as possible, I will have a baby greens and shoots mix that we will try for a few weeks while the next round of greens mature.

Paid shares got a mix of striped oblong tomatoes, red grape tomatoes and orange cherry tomatoes. I have a few different varieties of cherry and salad tomatoes growing (red, orange, brown, pear shape, striped and green) and you will get to try them all over the rest of the season. The plants are looking really good, so expect a lot of these little guys in your shares during the summer.

The white beets are pretty regular beets. I was hoping for more sweetness in these, but that may have been asking too much from a beet. You will get beets once more next week and then probably not  again until September/October when I hope to have a lot for pickling and canning for the winter. Hopefully, carrots will be back in the shares as the root vegetable for a couple of weeks after the spring beets run out. 

This week's share is not what I was hoping it would be, and chances are there will be a few more weeks that are less than ideal over the next month or so. I am trying to still give you all a good value, and I appreciate your patience with me as I wait for some of the summer crops to mature. You all have been great sharing pictures of dishes you make with me on Facebook, please keep that up!

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